Friday, June 11, 2010

My 27th Birthday

Wow i am getting so old!!! It's weird to think that one year ago on
my birthday i was in labor all day long cause thstuborn Kayson didn't want to
to share my birthday i guess. He was breetch so they had to do a external
rotation which is when the have ultrasound the whole time and try to monitor the babies heart rate and they take a hold of the babies head and bum from the outside of the belly and trun the baby! Oh ya it hurt like no other i had no medicine no epideral man it hurt and then they had to put a abdominal binder on me cause my uterus tends to flip and hope he wouldn't turn back and moved down into the cannal so i didn't have to have a c-section. I dod not want a c-section at all!! Thats why we tried the version and i had to go to brigham cause dibble can't go to tremonton and he's the best at the versions cause of his small hands. SO it worked and i started into labor right after and i couldn't get up and move or anything in fear of kayson turning back breech there were a few times i thought he did but didn't!! O i had good labor all day, Dr. Furgussen came at like 6ish and said to stop the pit for an hour and see if that would help giving things a break said he would check back and if nothing happened by morning i would have to have a c-section caus ehe broke my water. And then started the pit back nothing for hours i was like a 4 for ever i finally got a epideral at midight cause i wanted to hold off cause it tends to slow things down for me went with it and things started to progress a little then they stopped the pit again at 1-3 am and i got a little rest and then started back up said a little parayer cause i so did not want a c-section!!! Then at like 6am i was a 6 then things started to speed up like all the sudden it was really weird then she checked me at 7 and i was all but a 7 and said she would come back in an hour and check me again we like half hour went by and i said i feel funny like lots of pressure so he went and got the nurse and she was like hey maybe your complete and by that point i was like no i will probably just have to have a c-section and she checked me and she's like wow we better get the doc here cause your baby is there and ready your complete!! I was like YAHOO!!! ANy way cute little Kayson was born a 8:08 am 5/5/09 8lb 9oz 21 1/2 inces long!! How time flies i cna't believe he is one It has gone by so fast!!!

This the cake my sister made for me yes she got all the talents
she is a good artist and cake decorater.

Jonathon and the kiddos bought me a bike for my birthday!! I was so excited!

And they bought me this bike trailer that i have wanted to ever!!! For mothers Day!
Thanks guys your the best and i had an awsome birthday cause i got to spend it with the ones i love!!!