Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Keyton Lou's first day of kindergarten..

So these pictures are backwards sorry this thing confuses me:)

But this is a picture of him leaving to his class she told them to turn around and wave by to moms and dads and he did not want to have anything to do with me and was mad at me for making him go with her, his nerves set in and was scarred to to death. I felt so bad it was so hard!!!

This was waiting to go with his class. ( before he realized i wasn't going with him)

And as you can see so scared and sad i felt horrible i went out to my car and a total melt down man oh man. called jonathon and cried and cried and asked him if i could go get him and take him home man it was harder than with kinzy cause she didn't care she was like by mom love you. I was like wow that was easy, but not with keyton he was all good with it till i went to leave for the first 2 days. The first one i went in and went to leave and he grabbed onto my leg and didn't want to let go so the teacher ( Missy Michaelis) had to pull him off and told him, "will you hold my hand cause I'm a little nervous?" and he said "NO" but being a good kid that he is he held her hand and that's when he wouldn't look back at me :(