Here's a few pictures of him in his soft arm cast and he hated it he couldn't wait till he got his hard cast on because it was so uncomfortable. He kept complaining that it hurt and was uncomfortable i kept telling him that it would be ok and he will get it off soon . Well when we went into get his hard cast come to find i figured out why it hurt the doc in the ER didn't do a very good job and it gave him a pressure sore on the outside of his hand by his pinkie:( Poor kid
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Yes another broken arm for Keyton
Man oh man this kid must either be accident pron or week bones. Keyton broke his arm about year and a half or two years ago gong down the slide on his belly and landed on it weird i guess. This time we were at walmart and Jonahton took the kids in the play as i was checking out place there at the Perry Walmart, mind you that i hate!!! Well then i realized that the e stuff that was marked in red was 50 % off so decided to go back and look and he kept holding his arm i asked him what was wrong and he said when he was riding the dumbo ride he tripped and fell out and now his arm hurt didn't look to swollen a little at his elbow so we kept looking at it on the way home and decided to take him to the hospital and of course it was broken :(

Here's a few pictures of him in his soft arm cast and he hated it he couldn't wait till he got his hard cast on because it was so uncomfortable. He kept complaining that it hurt and was uncomfortable i kept telling him that it would be ok and he will get it off soon . Well when we went into get his hard cast come to find i figured out why it hurt the doc in the ER didn't do a very good job and it gave him a pressure sore on the outside of his hand by his pinkie:( Poor kid
Here's a few pictures of him in his soft arm cast and he hated it he couldn't wait till he got his hard cast on because it was so uncomfortable. He kept complaining that it hurt and was uncomfortable i kept telling him that it would be ok and he will get it off soon . Well when we went into get his hard cast come to find i figured out why it hurt the doc in the ER didn't do a very good job and it gave him a pressure sore on the outside of his hand by his pinkie:( Poor kid