So it has been one crazy busy but so fun summer!!! I have slacked on updating this don't know if anyone actually looks at it but oh well if you do here is a
very unorganized update on how our summer has been!!
You know that summer is at a end when the Box Elder County Fair is here!!

This year it was fun to walk around and look at all the animals because
Kayson loves animals and loved
liking at them, so much that he would cry when we went out cause he would want to go look at them more and pet them. His expressions were
hilarious the first time he was so scared and would pull away and kinda freak out but then a pig touched him with it's snout and he about died, then a lamb kept putting his head threw the bars and up into the stroller next to
kayson and lock him he thought that was cool!
Keyton loved them to he is such a good brother they are so fun to watch
together keyton seems to be my soft hearted gentle
little man and
kayson is my bully that can stick up for himself. I hope they
continue their close relationship as they grow up!!!
Keyton checkin out the bunnies
Kayson was so cute he loved this game at the fair he just loved grabbing the ducks and throwing them back in and then would clap and say YEA!!!
Keyton, and Sabrina getting ready to ride their first ride :)

So my uncle gave us free tickets to go with him to the bees game and we had
AWESOME seat!! Right off to the side on
first base line of home plate so cool. We decided to leave
Kayson home and have a day out with the 2 older kids and so we could actually enjoy the game!! So fun they are getting old enough to go and do things with and not be little stinkers!! Love you guys!!